Hidden Wholeness
by Omar Brownson
Qi is the life force
Unseen but felt
in movement
created by stillness
When I can move
And be still
And when I can be still
And still move
I find the hidden wholeness
I feel it mostly in my hands
As I breath in life
And as I breath out
My hands press down to feel the resistance of life
That I normally clunk through with a mindless state
Pausing is my compass
That moment where I orient myself
And see that I am not myself
I am a part of a whole
Hidden by my map of thinking I should be somewhere
When in fact I am already here
In this space of freedom, I let go.
Love catches me
Unafraid of the force of life
And moved by a life force
I say thank you
By stretching
Each moment
So it unfolds into the next
Until Iām in the new earth