Temple of Ibrahim
by Ibrahim Abdul-Matin
Our bodies are these incredible machines that house our soul.
They are the only machine that the Creator of the Universe designed for us to inhabit in this time and space.
Some say our bodies are temples, yes, they are sacred and
they are our home– in reality they are the only homes
we will ever truly know.
There is an ancient saying from the people of Turtle Island,
but I am sure is universal to land based peoples,
that home is, ‘the land beneath your feet’.
It is the place where this incredible vessel for our soul is anchored to the spaceship of earth– the place where we make sense,
the place where we are purposeful, the place where we know
what to do and when to do it.
I want us to live in relationship, in deep, deep relationship and community the same way the Five Iroquois Nations did, where the Grandmothers held the circle, where the Onondaga maintained
the Fire, where disputes and major decisions were brought by
the young men to the circle of elders and their word was final.
I want us to live where we need our feet to move,
where trails are shared by deer and elk and bear and wolf
and mouse and bird and us.
It’s time to discard the bad of this time, to get rid of the extractive, anything that saps life; let it go.
And move forward the things that are regenerative and manifest and promote life. It’s time to be strong, to be lively, creative,
and stay busy in all the preparations of life like our ancestors.
But slow down, and have enough time to get good rest, to make love, to pray and eat well, time to go on adventures, to see our cousins, to see the people we love even if they live far away.